Monday, September 17, 2007

Bedtime Blessings

For those of you that know our family well, you know that our oldest son does not talk yet even though he is four years old. We almost lost him when he was 2 years old and later on that year the state of Texas told us that our son was mentally retarded. They said not to take alarm to the title because there is no other category to put him under - what they meant is that he is developmentally delayed. I remember crying when I got the news and one of my deacons reminded me that God told Moses, "Is it not I that created the deaf, the lame and the blind?"

I don't know why God chooses to talk to me in the bathroom, but he does. Later that day it's like God spoke to me in my head as he said, "Jason, what would you rather have, a so called normal son or one that loves Me with all his heart." I told God that I would rather have one that loved Him with all his heart.

It never ceases to amaze me how good God is. Every night during bed time, Riley will point up to heaven for us to sing the "Jesus Song" and when we are finished that, he will fold his tiny four year old hands in prayer and pray with daddy. Many times, including tonight, he will bring his Bible up to me so daddy can read him the Bible before bed.

"Isn't it I that have created the deaf, the lame and the blind?" And just why would God do such a thing? To bring glory to Him. Thank you Father for giving me a son whose desire is to love you even at four years old.


Hayley said...

How precious! C.L. had this post printed out at their house the other day, and I read it there. Our children are such blessings from the Lord. God is good!

Ellen said...

I love hearing stories like this and how God works in kids lives! I am continuing to pray for y'all!!
Great to see you recently!