We had Thanksgiving dinner at my parents place in Calgary. It was good, but of course there are some things I miss - like my Aunt Lunnette's homemade perogies, my Grandmother's wheat germ salad and all my cousins and I having contests to see how much we can eat. Today was a special Thanksgiving though, because I got to hold my new nephew, Jonah Ray Cooper, for the first time. He was born on Thursday, so he is only 3 days old.
I can't stress enough how much I missed being in a church whose desire it is to plant churches. There is such a freshness in a church plant in an unchurched area. I am so thankful that God has brought us back to Canada to share the Gospel with those who have rarely if ever gone to church. To see people genuinely seek God - not because it is Sunday and it is the cultural thing to do - but genuinely seek the Living God brings a freshness and new light to church.
So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for what Jesus Christ has done for me and my family, I am thankful for seeing a cool site - like secret service at church - and am thankful for the new addition to our family, by the way, here is a picture.
1 comment:
Hey Jason... The pictures look great. you should have stayed thought, we are having an early winter....Just last week our day time highs were in the 80s and in the L O W 70s at night. BRRrrrrr.
Seriously, hope all is well with you and your family, we miss you please stay in touch. Check out the first round of updates to the SFB page.
Love in Christ - Tray
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