Sunday, February 24, 2008

Prayer Cards and Brochures

We are getting very excited about our first mission team coming up in the next few weeks from Grangerland, TX. We will be prayer walking and surveying the different communities of Medicine Hat. I have designed some "This is how God answered my prayer" post cards with prepaid postage and some brochures that share the vision of Pathway. When I was at Mountainview, we had a little catch phrase. "A view beyond ourselves." Well, I came up with a catch phrase for Pathway. "Because the journey's worth it." Anyway, I'm very excited, and this is how it's going to work:

As we meet people we will survey them and when we are done, we will ask them how we can pray for them. When they tell us, we will write down the prayer request, pray with them there, and then hand them one of the postcards. We will instruct them that when God answers the prayer, to write down how He answered it and drop the postcard in the mail. When they take the postcard, we will give them a brochure that also shares the Gospel and thank them for their time. I will be getting these documents published this week.

We have also been attending Temple Baptist Church for the past two weeks here in Medicine Hat. The music minister, Mike Deibert, graduated from the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary. He and one of my friends who is now an IMB missionary in Africa tried starting a CCSB church here about eight years ago, but nothing came of it. Mike (who works at a North American Baptist Church) has been praying for eight years for a CCSB church to begin in Medicine Hat.

My family has worshiped twice at the Nazarene Church here in Medicine Hat and they have welcomed us and our Georgia Team in to their congregation and have been praying for CCSB work in Medicine Hat. We are seeing that God wants to do something here. Will you please pray that these post cards and brochures will help to start our ministry here in Medicine Hat.

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