Well today was a busy day for Riley and Sawyer. They decided that they were going to wake mommy up at 5:30 and not go back to sleep. After a two hour nap for mommy, Sawyer and Riley we walked to Spectrum. On the way to Spectrum, Riley got to see motorbikes jumping and he loved it and then Riley went on the rides, He rode a Power Wheels jeep, then he jumped in a moon walk and then he went on bumper boats and a miniature ferris wheel which he absolutely loved. After some water because boy was it hot out today, we walked home.
After dinner and some playing I put Sawyer in his PJ's and put him to bed, When I went in to check on him, he had fallen asleep sitting up in his big boy bed.
Please check our blog in the next couple of days as we will try to post pictures of our second mission team who have been working very hard selling tickets at Spectrum and dealing with our hot temperatures. We want to take this time to thank West Rome for all their hard work this week and we pray for safe travels as they had back to Rome Georgia Tuesday morning. And they also have paved the way for Jason and I to start a church here in Medicine Hat. THANKS WEST ROME BAPTIST CHURCH WE LOVE YOU!
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