Sunday, January 18, 2009

Second Sunday

We had a great day today. Today was Pathway's second Sunday service, and we had 4 more people than last week.! Things are really starting to grow, and so is our excitement. We are still going through New Beginnings, and today's sermon was titled, "I Get What!!??!!"

We saw that the moment we make Jesus our Lord (that means to make Him our owner, our master, our boss) the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of us.

The first thing He does when he comes to live in me is He becomes my Guarantee. (Ephesians 1) He becomes my guarantee for eternal life
The second thing is He becomes my Helper (John 16). He helps me look like Jesus
The third thing is He becomes my Teacher (John 14) He teaches me to live like Jesus.
The fourth thing is He becomes my Gift Giver (1 Corinthians 12, Exodus 31) He prepares me to serve with Jesus.

Everything that could go wrong did go wrong before the service started. The sound system wasn't working, we forgot the coffee, we forgot an extension cord, and my projector wasn't working properly. I called a time out, and we took time to pray before the service, and God showed up! God answered a prayer today that we prayed with our mission team from Sulphur, LA. There was a a girl at the Canada Day celebrations this past summer, that was very angry, and used a lot of profanity. One of our ladies on the mission team said that we need to pray for her, and we prayed that she would come to church. She was at Pathway today! Praise God for what He is doing!

On top of that, we had a non Christian family come to church today. We have been ministering to them for the past 6 months, and they came to church, then they volunteered to bring the snacks for church next week! God totally ROCKS!

I love seeing God work like this.


Hayley said...

It's so awesome to see how God is moving and working through you! Y'all are in our prayers!

Unknown said...

I am from West Rome and my fiance and I are praying for you. Just wanted to let you know! She came to Medicine Hat on her first mission trip and will never for get it! Thanks for what you are doing!

The Wilks Family said...

Thanks Hugh, keep praying, we had another one come to Christ tonight!