Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:27 "Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified."

While I'm living in Cochrane, I am working at Safeway. For those of you in the States that are reading this, it is the same chain as Randall's. I am working the night shift and my supervisor, who has been in the grocery business for almost 20 years, said, "Jason when you start your church in Medicine Hat tell your people not to go grocery shopping on Sundays." I asked him why, and he said that Sundays are one of the busiest days in the grocery business and this is because of the after church rush. Apparently we get slammed around 11:30. He went on to tell me that grocery stores used to be closed on Sundays, but to appease "church people" we opened up on Sundays. Now very few people in the grocery business have a family day to do whatever they want. He also went on to say that we have double the staff we had twenty years ago, but since we opened up on Sundays we are less busy (and Safeway in Cochrane is the busiest grocery store out of the three in town, and the city's largest employer).

Why is it that Christians demand more respect than unbelievers do, yet the Bible tells us in Philippians to consider others better than us? When we go to the supermarket on Sunday, or go out for dinner and leave a lousy tip (if one at all) or demand more respect from others than we are willing to give a homeless man, we are disqualifying our witness for Christ. Not only are we doing that, we are almost guaranteeing that others will not enter the Kingdom of God. So if you are a Christian, please, FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, DO NOT go shopping on Sunday (and therefore keep people out of church) and if you go out for lunch - give above and beyond what the tip calls for. Ask yourself, have I disqualified myself and countless others from leading people into the Kingdom of God? If so, how am I going to change it?

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