Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Things were going so well for our church plant that we have been planning to launch next September, right after Labour Day. After discussing it more with my wife and praying, it seemed that God wants us to move the launch up to January. Let me tell you how we came to this.

We are seeing so much interest in the community about Pathway, especially from people who do not following the teaching of Jesus Christ. Most of these people would not feel comfortable joining a home Bible Study yet, especially since most Canadians are very private people and we feel uncomfortable being in someone else's home when we don't really know them.

Leigh and I were talking about this and she thought we should launch in January, right after Christmas break. We have a theatre available to us to use, but if we are going to do a small launch in a huge theatre, things may look very disproportionate and bring discouragement to visitors.

So Leigh suggested a community centre in our neighbourhood that has a city transit stop right in front of it. We couldn't sleep very well that night because we were both so excited.

We went to a friend's place after church the next day and got home about 5:00 pm. I was too excited and told Leigh that I was going to go prayer walk around the community centre.

The night before, a friend of mine who was second in command for Canada Day celebrations in Medicine Hat contacted me and wanted to talk to me more about our church. So after I prayer walked around the community centre, he and I went out for coffee at Tim Horton's.

He let me know some things that were going on in his life and asked me what the vision of Pathway was. When I told him, his said he was in. I told him that we were thinking about launching in January and I told him which community centre we were hoping to do it in. He told me that he knows the people in that community centre very well and has rented many times. He basically told me that he could get us in there. On top of that we have half our worship team put together now and tonight will be our third Bible Study in a row. I'm not talking about once per week, this has become a once per day thing now. God is on the move.

On top of that, we started our student ministry. We have had two meeting so far, and I started a facebook group for it. We have so much interest in the student ministry at Medicine Hat College that we have more people on the Facebook group then in the ministry itself. I think God is about to do something great in Medicine Hat.


Oliver said...

This is so exciting! Great news you're thinking of moving up the launch date. I think you've hit the nail on the head - the team that started our church planting movement, when they came to Canada they experienced an identical sense - that Canadians don't do well with things that don't look "official". A small bible study with a stranger looks "culty", but even a small "church" looks respectable.

Watching your blog with bated breath for the next update. God bless!

Ellen said...

All of this is so exciting! Know you're continuing to be prayed for!