Monday, November 26, 2007

Relaxing Evening

Let me set the scene for you. Our Christmas lights are on, our Christmas tree is up and its white lights let off a soft glow in the living room, Bing Crosby's Christmas album is playing and my wife and I are drinking peppermint tea, enjoying each other's company as we pray and read Scripture to each other. God has a way of speaking to us in that kind of setting. Guys, there is something awesome that happens when you pray with your wife. There is a deeper sense of intimacy when both you and your wife come into the presence of God in prayer and Bible reading. In our quiet time together we both agreed that we will fast together once per week to pray for the people of Medicine Hat. We aren't too good at fasting, so to start we will miss one meal together per week because we love the people of Medicine Hat, even though we have not met them yet.

Technology can be great so instead of just praying for people without a face in Medicine Hat, we went onto facebook and typed in Medicine Hat. There were over 500 people that popped up that live in Medicine Hat. Tonight my wife and I started praying for real people - people with names and faces - in Medicine Hat. We are going to pray through one facebook page of people per day for their salvation and that we might get the chance to minister to them. We know that God loves these people. As we pray for them, can you pray that we can love them the way that Jesus does. Maybe you can do the same thing and start praying for the same people we are praying for in Medicine Hat. Leigh and I also want to thank all of you who are visiting our website. We have been blogging since April, but only put the counter up on October 7, 2007. I never realized how many people have been taking interest in us and the ministry that God has given us. Thank you for your prayers.

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