Wednesday, November 12, 2008

College Ministry At MHC

Today we had our prayer meeting/Bible study at Medicine Hat College. It's really cool to see what God is doing there. We had a new girl named Marina come today. Her coming today showed us just how much God is at work in the lives of the students at the college. The first thing out of her mouth after we prayed was, "What about outreach? Prayer and Bible study are good, but what about doing what we have been called to do?"

That was a very interesting question because last week we started my condensed version of the Bible study, Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby and Claude V. King. Before we started our Bible Study last week, everybody was talking about missions, and being on mission, and the huge mission field in Canada, and other countries.

Last week we looked at the first 4 ideas in Experiencing God. Those are:
1. God is always at work
2. God pursues a continuous love relationship with you (me).
3. God invites you (me) to join Him in His work.
4. God Speaks
a. Through the Bible
b. Through prayer
c. Through the church (other Christians)
d. Through circumstances.

Today we looked at the fifth idea in Experiencing God and that is God's invitation to us (me) will lead us (me) into a crisis of belief that requires faith and action.

We got to hear stories today from how God was using the students in the College Ministry, and how God was glorified through it. So needless to say, we have a group of students who are not about playing "Christian" or playing "Church" but want to be authentic in their relationship with Christ and want to earnestly live that out in front of people.

So that being said, I asked the students at the end of prayer/bible study meeting if they would like to pray one week and do a Bible study the next week. They said how about we get together on Mondays and pray and on Wednesdays we can do Bible Study. Talk about students on fire for Christ!

Just think, all of this started from people like our mission teams and other faculty members praying on campus, and off campus for the students of Medicine Hat College. This all started with prayer. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

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