Sunday, July 27, 2008

Awesome Wrap Up

What a time we had yesterday at Stampede! The relationships we started to build on Wednesday came to a blossom on Saturday. Our Mission Team from Illinois became great friends with a family that doesn't go to church. These people go down to Illinois once per year, so they swapped mailing addresses and phone numbers. The police department and I have a great relationship now and one of the officers that goes to all of the schools told me that he would definitely be calling me. Another cool thing that happened was our last mission team from Louisiana invited a police officer to our block party. He couldn't make it because he had to work, but he became one of the police officers that became really good friends with us.

Yesterday I was able to have four spiritual conversations with the people we built trust with, and it is always good when they are the ones that initiate it.

Everybody in the office, the GM and the President thanked us for what we did and also told us that we did an excellent job and all of the volunteers are raving about us. We ended up serving about 400 people throughout Stampede.

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